Dial M for Murder 3D – TIFF

Dial M for Murder 3D

Wondering who would ever come to watch a Hitchcock classic re-released after 1954, I mean considering movies like Looper and Argo premiering on the same day. We (Myself & Karthik) walked confidently towards the screening; surprisingly we were ushered away saying that the theater was house-full for Dial M for Murder. I didn’t understand the logic, apparently there were more people wanting to watch the Hitchcock Classic among the glitz and glamour of the other films. We just felt unlucky; however we laughed off and walked away.

One month later, finally got to catch up with the movie. I really wanted to experience the movie in 3d not because I’m a fan of 3d ( In fact I hate 3d) , I just wanted to experience a Hitchcock film in 3d. Well I finally got a chance (believe me, it was not easy to get tickets even now)

We all know Dial M for Murder a classic, a film which is so memorable. Dial M for murder is arguably one of Hitchcock’s best films. It Holds You Spellbound with Suspense!  Did Hitchcock make it in 3d? Yes. Reluctantly Hitchcock made Dial M for Murder in 3d. Hitchcock disliked the idea of 3d but the studio convinced him to make it in 3d, and understandably 3d did not catch up well with theaters .Ended with people watching it in 2d.

How did Hitchcock handle 3d?

First of all unlike most contemporary directors, Hitchcock did not get carried away by the technology. He did not create a scene because it would look good in 3d. It wouldn’t be unfair to say that he made the best use of 3d. A 3d movie was and is considered by many as visual spectacles, What Hitchcock tried to do is fascinating! Hitchcock succeeded in using 3d to add more depth in to the scene. Each and every frame of the movie had depth, that is, in a scene you could literally measure the placement of objects in the foreground, subject and the background. After watching it in 3d I could geometrically say where Grace Kelly picked up the phone in the room, the exact location (3d).  The depth 3d brings to a plot like Dial M for Murder is immense. I don’t think anyone would dare to make a drama in 3d; well unfortunately it works well that way (At least for me). Yes, it was pain-full for me to sit through Avatar, Tin-Tin .etc. Not that I didn’t like them If I’m being honest these movies were too much of a strain to my eye, I often left the theater with a headache (I’m not making that up). To my disbelief, I relished every moment of Dial M for Murder in and I almost forgot I was wearing a 3d glass. In my opinion Hitchcock reluctantly made the best use of 3d for storytelling. It has never been done before by any film maker. It’s a subtle use of a not-so-subtle technology from the master of suspense.

So, there are no “eye-popping” sequences?

Well there are. One of the crucial scenes in the movie. Some of the scenes have some eye popping sequences, which clearly show us that Hitchcock was clear about what he wanted. The words that I came up to my mind after watching the movie were, Classic, Perfect, flawless, absolute, subtle. That pretty much sums it all.

Dial M for Murder 3d – Stitched to Perfection!

Experience a must!


Dial M for Murder

Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Country: USA
Year: 1954
Language: English
Runtime: 105 minutes
Rating: PG
 Cast: Grace Kelly, Robert Cummings